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Y5Bus app aims to provide free high speed Wi-fi service to commuters and tourists all around Taiwan*. We have cooperated with some of the most well known and popular bus companies across Taiwan , this partnership includes installing a router on the Bus and presenting the commuters with a free to download app requiring them to login either using their Facebook or Google account. Once logged in, The user will have access to free unrestricted** High speed wifi throughout his journey.

Alongside providing free wifi service, Y5Bus also provides customized and personalized coupon and other offers. The information collected during the login phase such as Gender and Age is used to provide the most accurate and closely related to offer to the user. These coupons can then be used and exchanged for various exciting offers.

Currently, Y5Bus has already cooperated with 5 major bus services in Taiwan and is covering some of the most important routes. The number will keep on increasing in the future with our app providing even more features and usability to the user.